About US

/About US
About US 2018-02-20T04:36:26+00:00

Welcome To AMANI Birth!


AMANI Birth is an Islamically founded childbirth education and doula program.

We believe that Allah is in control of all things and has created women to conceive, carry, birth, and feed their babies.

With AMANI you will learn how your body works in pregnancy and labor and practice coping techniques to manage your birth without pain medications.

We also encourage families to make informed decisions and find care providers they trust.

We know that not all births go textbook perfect and our goal is to arm you with knowledge so that you can plan for the birth you desire, yet feel confident that you've made the best decisions when interventions are required.

AMANI Birth is a program for educating women and supporting the decisions they make.

At AMANI Birth, we are focused on providing  expectant parents with education to prepare for their birth and doula support with a focus on Islamic values.

Our affiliates are located around the globe and we hope that we have someone local in your community.

Look around our website and reach out to the affiliates nearest you.  We pray that you get the best from our materials and are protected from harm. We'd also love to see you at one of our teacher/doula trainings soon!

Check back later for new updates to our website. There’s much more to come!


(Read our Paradigm, Code of Ethics, Standards of Practice, and Contract for more details.) It’s important to note that this is not intended to be a medical reference or to replace professional care during pregnancy, labor, or birth. Our teachers and doulas have extensive training in the theories of natural childbirth but are not clinically trained nor equipped to handle birth emergencies. Please understand that a doula is not a midwife and we recommend that all mothers shop for medical care providers they trust. The purpose is to explore the natural and normal functions of birth with trust in the design of the female body to carry out this function. Each woman should consider her personal situation and medical history and work closely with her birth team to achieve the safest and best birth experience for her and her baby. Allah (SWT) has given us bodies to birth and medical interventions for the rare complications that may arise. We pray that AMANI Birth materials and training will be a source of confidence and encouragement to only employ those interventions when truly necessary. We cannot stress enough the importance of good birth consumerism by women who are educated and empowered to keep control of their birth and make the best decisions for their particular situations. You have choices in birth; not making any choice is a choice that allows someone else full control over your experience and outcome.  Tie your camel: get educated, choose wisely and cautiously. Your baby, your recovery, your family, and our worldwide community depend on it!


At AMANI Birth, we are focused on providing  expectant parents with education to prepare for their birth and doula support with a focus on Islamic values.

The purpose is to explore the natural and normal functions of birth with trust in the design of the female body to carry out this function. Each woman should consider her personal situation and medical history and work closely with her birth team to achieve the safest and best birth experience for her and her baby.

International Affiliates

Workshops Conducted
Childbirth Educators & Doulas
Number of Countries

Meet Our Founders

Aisha Al Hajjar
Aisha Al HajjarBSM, MSM, LM, CPM, AMANI
Aisha is an American Midwife and mother of eight naturally-born children living in Delaware.
Mohammed Al Hajjar
Mohammed Al HajjarCEO & Operations Manager

Our Happy Clients

I’m very impressed with the birthing process that there is more than just normal and C-section birthing. Previously I didn't know about the natural birthing and the function of a doula. If I was aware about this I wouldn't have had a C-section.


Alhamdulillah, I have benefited lot from this workshop. Sis Aisha is a good trainer. She delivered her talk in such manner you would want to hear her talking again. She did alot of sharing which I like most about the class. Learning about the Stages of labour in depth and what are the natiral way to manage labour pain some Relaxation techniques and Breathing skills. With this certificate, it is a credit for myself to pursue my passion and I will be more confident to educate mothers out there that Natural Birth is possible when put your trust in Allah and work towards it. InshaAllah.

Alhamdulillah, I have benefited lot from this workshop. Sis Aisha is a good trainer. She delivered her talk in such manner you would want to hear her talking again. She did alot of sharing which I like most about the class. Learning about the Stages of labour in depth and what are the natiral way to manage labour pain some Relaxation techniques and Breathing skills. With this certificate, it is a credit for myself to pursue my passion and I will be more confident to educate mothers out there that Natural Birth is possible when put your trust in Allah and work towards it. InshaAllah
