Birth Classes 2017-05-10T09:42:10+00:00

Discover Childbirth Education

Learn to work with your body and prepare for the best birth possible, insha'Allah.

Congratulations on your pregnancy!  

You've come to the right place to prepare for the biggest journey of your life.  

At AMANI Birth we believe that knowledge is power and we are 

Assisting Mothers for Active, Natural, Instinctive Birth, for a blessed start in life!

AMANI  Birth is an Islamically based childbirth education and doula certification program designed to prepare professionals in the field of natural birth, who can then work with expectant families in their communities.  Our primary goal is to teach trust in Allah first and foremost and that birth is a form of worship.  We do not provide medical advice or services and recommend that all expectant parents seek out proper attendance for their birth.  It is our desire that all mothers are prepared for their birth and are supported by well prepared companions who are ready to assist them in researching their options and making informed decisions about their care.

Only you and your family live with the consequences of your birth and you have a responsibility to learn as much as you can and prepare during the months of your pregnancy.  Choose your care providers wisely and do your best to get ready, leaving the outcomes to the will of Allah (SWT).

We pray that your birth is easy and that Allah blesses all your children with good health, maturity of years, and that they are always counted amongst those who are pleasing to HIM and their parents.  AMEEN.

We recommend reading the AMANI Birth book as a foundation in your discoveries about the blessings and miracles of childbirth. We have teachers available in twenty-one countries and we highly suggest live AMANI Birth classes if possible.

AMANI Birth Certified Childbirth Educators teach the following principles:

1. Allah is in control of all things.

2. Birth is a natural life event.

3. Birth is inherently safe.

4. The mother’s role in maximizing birth’s safeguards.

5. Trust in birth is trust in Allah.

6. Physiology of pregnancy.

7. Physical preparation for labor/birth.

8. The importance of good nutrition during pregnancy.

9. Natural techniques for labor pain.

10. The importance of avoiding drugs in pregnancy & labor.

11. Parental responsibility starts in pregnancy.

12. Birth consumerism is an obligation of good parenting.

13. Making informed decisions during pregnancy and birth.

14. Self-advocacy is a right and a responsibility in birth.

15. The birth experience matters for a lifetime.

16. Empowering women in birth.

17. Educating partners to support mothers in labor.

18. Breastfeeding is the best nutrition for babies.

19. Thanking Allah for the birth experience.

20. Trust in Allah’s plan for our births and our lives.